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5 Essential Rules for Getting Rid of Mold

Getting rid of mold is a tricky project. It’s not like ordinary cleaning. Mold carries allergens and irritants that can lead to health problems. While you’ll want to get rid of it right away, you’ll also need to follow these five essential rules.

Stay Safe

First and most importantly, make sure that you stay safe. Even if you don’t have mold allergies, keep yourself protected. Mold can worsen health issues even in people who don’t have allergies. If you do have allergies or asthma, you should be extra careful when getting rid of mold. Wear goggles, a mask, and gloves when you clean. If you experience any breathing trouble or upper respiratory issues while cleaning, take a break.

Don’t Use Bleach

Next, don’t use bleach as your only cleaning solution. Bleach doesn’t actually get rid of mold. It just drains the mold of its color. It may look like the mold is gone, but bleached mold can still grow. Use a cleaning solution designed specifically for mold instead.

Leave Nothing Behind

When you have mold growth in your house, you have to make sure that you remove all of the mold. If you leave any mold behind, it will keep growing and keep causing problems. When you clean up a mold problem, look into the nearby corners and crannies. Make sure that you remove everything. If you’re not sure whether or not you’ve removed all of the mold, call a professional remediation team.

Remove the Moisture

Even after you remove all of the mold, you’ll still probably have mold spores. Mold spores exist just about everywhere, but they’re basically harmless by themselves. However, when moisture contacts those spores, that’s when mold starts to grow. Once you’ve finished the mold cleanup, you can prevent further problems by preventing moisture. A dehumidifier, for example, can help with getting rid of mold.

Keep Soft Surfaces Clean

Soft surfaces like carpets and curtains can hold onto mold, too. Make sure that you keep these materials clean. Regular carpet cleaning can prevent mold, allergens, and other invaders from impacting your daily life.

Getting Rid of Mold with Endy’s Carpet Cleaning

Sometimes, it’s best to hire a mold remediation professional. If your home’s mold problem has gotten overwhelming, then call Endy’s Carpet Cleaning. We can assess and remove mold problems so that you can get back to breathing easy. We have a safe and complete mold removal process. Give us a call today to get rid of the mold in your home.

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